griffin is the best thing that's ever happened to us. scott & i love him so much. he's perfect. it's hard to not have him home, but the hardest part is not knowing when he'll be home. it feels like we're just waiting. this whole process is just waiting. griffin is up to 25ccs of breast milk every 3 hours. he's handling it very well, and pooping on his own. hopefully today he'll be increased up to 30ccs (which is 1 ounce) every three hours. every day they raise it by 5ccs and see how he handles it. so far we've been able to raise it every day since he started eating, which is great. we might get stuck at a certain amount while his intestines figure it out, but we also might be fine with increasing the feeds. it's all up to griff and his body. he's doing very well and we are very lucky with his progress so far. it is rarely this easy for gastroschisis babies, so right now we are doing very well. if it keeps up i'll feel like the luckiest mom in the world. i'm not holding my breath though, this is very rare and a part of me is just waiting for setback. scott & i talked to the doctors about what we have to get to before we get to bring him home... what goals we're looking for. they told us that we have to get griffin up to 60ccs (2 ounces) every 3 hours. once he's there (and pooping regularly) then they'll feed him on demand, meaning that he dictates when he wants to eat and how much he wants. if he wants to wait 4 hours he can, if he wants to eat every 2 hours he can. it'll be on his schedule. once he proves he can gain weight, poop regularly, and properly eat on demand we can take him home. that'll be the best day of my life! i can't wait to get him home with us. scott & i are hoping that he's home by my birthday. he has 20 days until then, and it'd be the best birthday present ever!