Friday, August 26, 2011


we are all sick. have been for the whole week. griffin's been feeling sick since monday. he has a cold. it's so sad to see him all stuffed up and coughing. then scott got it, and now i have it. my mom generously watched griffin for a few hours so i could take a nap (and shower), which was amazing. for now, i leave you with this adorable photo of the griff, and hope we have more interesting things to share with you next week.

photo taken by my lovely friend, lea (at her bridal shower last month)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

7 months old

today someone is 7 months old. i can't believe it! it feels like he just came home from the hospital and now, here we are, watching him play in his exersaucer and feeding him solid food. 7 month old griffin is tiny and we love it. he eats all the time and loves everything we give him. he's actually a pretty good and mellow baby, minus the screaming himself to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night. he says "dada" all the time, and loves to say "baba" and only says "mama" when he's screaming. he is learning to wave and is starting to say "hi". it's the cutest. he still doesn't sit up on his own, or crawl yet, but it'll come soon enough. we sure do love this little guy (but i'd love him a little more if he slept through the night)


lately there's been a lot of screaming around the house. griffin screams himself to sleep, either laying on scott or me, or in his crib. he hardly naps, he won't sleep through the night. it's exhausting. i haven't posted in a month because i'm too tired to do anything but stare at griffin while he's either eating, sleeping, or bouncing.

so, please excuse my absence from the blogosphere for the last 30 days. i'm back... and i promise i'll try to post more often.