it's been awhile since i've blogged, and i'm sorry about that, but it's been hectic since griffin came home and i just didn't know what to say. griffin came home on 2/16/2011 after 27 days in the NICU. we had an amazing recovery and i feel very lucky, but i also feel a little bit guilty because there are so many gastroschisis moms that don't get this lucky. anyway, it's been a roller coaster having griffin home, but it's been amazing. he's adorable. we just love him. scott is the most amazing dad ever. he is so involved and wants to do everything. it's great. he gets up in the middle of the night, and i never have to ask him to do anything, he just does it. he is so attentive and in love with griff... it's the cutest thing ever. i love seeing the two of them cuddled up on the couch

this was taken the day he came home

daddy kisses

little sleepy monster

my two boys. so so cute.

mommy snuggles
(the day i dyed my hair, yes it's dark now, but not this dark)

big yawn

such an adorable sleeper

more daddy snuggles
we have a follow up with UCSF on weds 3/16. i'm fairly certain griffin has a hernia, which is really common with gastro babes. typically the surgeons won't do anything until after the first year, because sometimes the hernias will fix themselves, but the thought of another surgery just rocks me to my core. we'll find out more on wednesday. and i'm not even 100% sure it is a hernia, but my instinct says hernia so i'm going to go with that.