being pregnant is strange. it feels like someone stuck a balloon inside of you and is slowly inflating it (that is literally the best way i can describe it) and when you think it can't get bigger - it does. the worst part is that i still have a few months to go so i'm going to just get a whole lot bigger. most of the time i feel like a giant whale (literally i tell scott that at least three times a week). we read this book called "your pregnancy week by week" and there are lots of "dad tips" in the book. one of them was all about how your partner is probably feeling very unattractive now (yup!) and how you should take her on a date. so, the other night we went out to dinner. i wore a black long sleeve t-shirt, black leggings and boots and you couldn't tell i was pregnant from straight on! it was amazing. i didn't feel like a giant whale. the waitress even told me that i look "adorable". which was really nice to hear.
everyone talks to you when you're pregnant. how far along are you? when are you due? do you know what you're having? i understand that it's nice because these people care and just want to know and talk to you. but it makes you feel like the only thing you're good for is growing this baby. that no one cares about you as a person... it's just all about the baby. we went to the store on our way home last night and 4 different people talked to us/me about the baby and the pregnancy. scott was so weirded out by it, but i told him it's like that all the time. it's a super weird thing to go through.
i'm registered on and it's fun because every week they email you a "what's going on with baby this week" newsletter and you get to see what fruit or vegetable your baby is as big as. for about 23 weeks the size changes every week, but eventually it just starts to change in months. 25 weeks (what i'm at now) is technically the first week of your 6th month of pregnancy and baby is the size of an eggplant (image via the bump).

he feels like he's the size of an eggplant. i can see him roll around in my stomach now. the kicks are harder and more frequent. he's developing a schedule, and i've been told that whatever their schedule is like in the womb it's fairly similar when they come out. according to thebump, the baby is developing a sense of equilibrium and learning to distinguish upside down from right side up. isn't that so weird?
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