scott & i are starting to really think about the nursery. we've done nothing to prepare the second bedroom for the baby yet. our first step is to strip the wall paper, prime the walls, and paint. we're waiting to get it all together because scott's parents and brother are coming into town on tuesday for a few days, and we didn't want to be in the middle of painting while they're here (the baby's room is currently our guest bedroom). i kept thinking we had lots of time to get everything ready, but the days just keep slipping by me and i know that all of a sudden it'll be baby time and we won't even have the crib set up! i guess that's kind of the problem with not knowing when you get to bring your baby home from the hospital; you don't feel like there's much pressure to get things ready for the baby. anyway, i've picked out my crib sheets online, and crib, and have decided to get a few things from ikea, etsy, my friends, and sister to furnish the baby's room.

this is the bedding i picked out. isn't it adorable? these colors will be showcased throughout the room. blues, greens, yellows, oranges, etc. the bedding is from
land of nod
scott & i own this
ikea dresser in the 6 drawer style (and in black) and we think it's great. i love this beige one for the baby's room. we'll be headed to ikea to pick it up soon. we registered for a changing top to put on the dresser for the baby. i didn't want to get an actual changing table, so this was our compromise. now we can have something that the baby can grow into instead of needing to buy another piece of furniture in a few years.

isn't this polar bear print cute? i found it on

i want to put this framed
poster in the baby's room. my sister has one in yellow that i might frame and hang in the room. i love these posters, and i think that the sentiment is something that scott and i have been able to resonate with for the past few months. it reminds me that we can't control everything. and this baby is definitely proof of that!

so, scott is a little wary of this idea, but i like it. instead of a mobile i want to hang different colored poms on the ceiling above the baby's crib. i found this
shop on etsy that allows you to pick your own colors of poms. i want to buy the ten pack of poms and pull colors that would mesh well with the crib bedding. i think scott will like it once he sees it.

i don't know where i'd put this. but it's just so cute!! again, another find from

i've mentioned before that i want to put a shag rug in that baby's room. here's yet another white shag rug, but this one is from
target. my sister has this one and it's great (and the most inexpensive option, which is probably good since it'll get spit up on).

these last two photos were taken by my wonderful friend mandy, who lives in portland. i want to frame them and put them in the nursery because they perfectly match the colors of the bedding... and because i think that they are amazing and slightly whimsical.
and that's our nursery. on paper, at least. we'll see what it turns into in the short amount of time we have before this baby comes!
i love it! i have that same dresser too, but in white :) have you seen that poster that similar to the "keep calm and carry on" on that says "keep calm and whip your hair back and forth"?? hahahaha thought you might like that :) LOVE YOU B!