Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas!!

on wednesday we had our 32 week scan, toured the nicu (and labor & delivery), and met with my perinatologist, Dr. Wu and his colleague Dr. Todd. the tour of the nicu was great. i really enjoyed the tour of the nicu. we met with the social worker, Kathy and she made me feel at home there. she knew my case and told me that the nurses and neonatologists were all prepped for me and were just waiting for me to have the baby. it was very comforting. the nicu is a little weird, but it'll be home for awhile for our little guy so we have to get used to it. after the tour we went to my ultrasound and they estimated that he weighs 3lbs 12oz (plus or minus 9oz... i'm hoping it's plus 9oz). i was very happy about that. we want him to be a good size baby, and he'll be great by the time we get to 36 weeks! the tech even showed us the hair on his head! it was so cute.
after our ultrasound we had about an hour to wait and eat lunch and then headed up to the 7th floor to Dr. Wu's office. my blood pressure was very high (i was nervous) and because of that they want to monitor me to make sure it's not preeclampsia (side note: my blood pressure was high off and on before pregnancy, and just skyrocketed when i first found out i was pregnant. i've been on medication for the entire pregnancy). so, now i have to take my blood pressure twice a day (morning and night), keep a log of my readings and check off if i do or don't have other symptoms (swelling, swelling changes, abdominal pain, etc), talk to a nurse on the phone once a week to go over that week's log, and test the protein in my urine every morning. i also had to do a 24 hour urine sample that i finished yesterday afternoon. besides that the appointment was great. Dr. Wu wants me to have bi-weekly NSTs and come back on january 6th for another ultrasound and perinatology appointment. Dr. Wu told me we could do an amnio at 36 weeks or wait and just deliver at 37 weeks. we talked about how the UCSF doctors preferred i do the amnio and deliver at 36 weeks, rather than risk anything going wrong at 37 weeks. so, we're doing the amnio and if baby's lungs are developed then i'll be induced the next day. if they aren't we have two options: 1). do steroid injections to jump start the lungs so i can be induced or 2). wait until 37 weeks to be induced. hopefully we'll have great news about the amnio and our little guy will be ready. there's not a huge risk with an amnio so late into pregnancy. it WILL trigger contractions but most of the time they go away, and worst case scenario they accidentally break my water and have to induce me then anyway. so, now we just wait. they'll schedule the amnio soon and then we'll most likely have a date for induction (since i'm positive his lungs will be developed). it's all happening so fast. we'll have a baby the week of january 17th! i can't wait to meet him!!

1 comment:

  1. So so so exciting! I am glad you are in such good hands. Wonderful to see you today!
