Tuesday, July 19, 2011

veronica becomes a mrs. and griffin starts to eat

the weekend of july 9th my wonderful friend veronica got married!! i was a bridesmaid, and it was a very fun day. my dad even watched griffin over night so scott & i wouldn't have to worry about bringing a baby to a wedding.

veronica holding griffin at brunch the day after the wedding

scott had a very good night.
the wedding was very fun, and i'm happy for veronica but i think i'm done with being in weddings (except for being the bride, of course). it's just a lot of work and money and i missed my little boy. it would've been a bit more fun just being a guest and getting to sit next to my fiance at dinner. also, i totally lost it and really started missing griffin before the night was over. i was convinced he wasn't sleeping for my dad and missed us. haha. ridiculousness

in other griffin news, he's eating solids!!
we started with avocado, and i'm so glad we did!

it's been so easy to take him to a restaurant, order a side of avocado and a demitasse spoon and feed the griff monster. but the other day at whole foods we discovered the best invention ever:

these packs are squeezable, griffin LOVES them, and they have zero clean up. i'm still making 90% of his food, but these are very handy. so far we've tried apples & bananas. success!!

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